Arquivo para fevereiro \26\-03:00 2015

Eclipse CVS explorer does not list Tag

Eclipse by default search for existing tags on the file “.project”, so when a CVS TAG is created without including this file it probably will not be listed.

To force it to check another file for TAG versions go to:

“Window > Show View > CVS Respositories > select/add you repository > Versions > Right click on the desired project > Configure Branches and Versions ”

Add to “List of files to be automatically examined when refreshing tags” a file that you think is added to the intended TAG version, like for example the file “web.xml” for java projects.

Thanks to Lucas Rafael de Almeida for the tips.


The following is courtesy of Axel Dietrichkeit showing how to check/list from a remote CVS using command line.

$ export CVSROOT=’:pserver:<user>@<remove_cvs>:/p/CVS’
$ cvs login
$ cvs -d :pserver:<user>@<remove_cvs>:/p/CVS login
$ cvs -d :pserver:<user>@<remove_cvs>:/p/CVS checkout

Include directory
$ cvs -d :pserver:<user>@<remove_cvs>:/p/CVS import -m “commentary” xxx V1 V1_0

$ cvs -d :pserver:<user>@<remove_cvs>:/p/CVS rls -l xxx
Checkout project
$ cvs -d :pserver:user@<remove_cvs>:/p/CVS co -r ‘v_tag_version’ project
Create a tag (must test/check)
$ cvs -r tag v1_0

Delete a TAG
$ cvs rtag -d <tag> <projeto>

Remove project
$ cvs remove -f <dir>

Lista tags
cvs status -v <dir>

cvs update -P
(removes empty directories, empties are always removes with cvs export)

$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:<user>@<remove_cvs>:/p/CVS
$ cvs -d $CVSROOT rls -l